Prof. Dr. Fabienne Brison
Prof. Dr. Fabienne Brison teaches courses on Intellectual Property Rights, Media and ICT Law at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). She also teaches a course on Neighbouring Rights in the Manama IP/ICT at the KU Leuven (campus Brussels).
Fabienne is one of the founding partners of HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER BV, a law firm specialised in intellectual property. She is specialised in copyright, media and new technology (including software and database protection) but also works regularly in the field of trademark and design law. She has conducted numerous high level proceedings, and assists her clients in negotiating and drafting agreements, an advising them on both legal-technical and strategic aspects.
In addition, Fabienne is a recognized CEPANI third-party decision-maker for domain name disputes and a recognized CEPANI mediator for ICT disputes.
Fabienne is an expert appointed to the "Council for Intellectual Property" (Copyright and Neighboring Rights Section, advisory body to the competent minister). She is the editor-in-chief of the specialized legal journal "Authors & Media". She is also the Secretary General of the "Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale" (ALAI) and the Vice-President of the Belgian ALAI group (ABA-BVA).
She is the author of numerous articles and books on copyright and is a regular speaker at national and international meetings.
External positions
Expert Member, Raad voor de Intellectuele Eigendom
2005 → …
Editor-in-chief, Auteurs & Media
1995 → …
Secretary General, Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale
2016 → …
Board member, Belgische Vereniging voor Auteursrecht / Association belge pour le droit d'auteur
1990 → …
Professor Manama IP & ICT, KU Leuven
1998 → …
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels