Janek Tomasz Nowak
Janek is a guest professor at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and a member of the VUB interdisciplinary Research Group on Digitalization and Access to Justice (DIKE). He is also a practicing lawyer at the Brussels Bar. Janek’s research focuses on general issues of EU law, the interaction between EU law and national procedural law and remedies, judicial protection in the European Union, access to justice, private enforcement actions, collective redress and cross-border procedural law. He has (co-)authored and (co) edited several articles and/or books in these fields, including the standard textbook on EU court litigation (EU Procedural Law, 2nd ed., OUP, 2023), together with CJEU President Koen Lenaerts and dr. Kathleen Gutman.
Janek studied law at the University of Antwerp, King’s College London, and KU Leuven. He was inter alia an academic assistant at the Institute for European law of KU Leuven, a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law, and a visiting lecturer at MCI Innsbruck. His PhD on the on the ex officio application of EU law by Belgian civil courts (Ambtshalve toepassing van EU-recht door de Belgische burgerlijke rechter) was awarded the Fernand Collin Prize 2022.
Organisatie informatie
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel