On the 7th and 8th of September, the College of Europe had the honour of being chosen by the Federal Ministry of Justice (FOD Justitie SPF Justice) to provide a 2-day training session on the operation of the EU Council Presidency in the context of the future Belgian Presidency of the Council of Europe in 2024. This kind of instruction is consistent with the College of Europe's long-standing practice of offering specially designed courses to prepare civil servants for their upcoming Presidency duties. In the Slovenian and Croatian Presidency context, comparable trainings were held.
More than 45 people from various Ministry of Justice departments attended the workshop on September 7 and 8 in Brussels. The second day's discussion focused on the digitalisation and online resources for the legal system, including a thorough examination of cross-cutting laws that affect the Justice and Home Affairs sector. This session was led by Prof. Marco Giacalone and focused on the EU e-justice strategy, particularly emphasising the AI Act, the Digital Service Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA). The training sparked insightful debates and clarified the various responsibilities, situations, and dossiers that would be handled during the future Presidency.