Prof. Dr. Marco Giacalone
Marco is a Research Professor at the Private and Economic Law Department (PREC) and Co-Director of the Research Group on Digitalisation and Access to Justice (DIKE) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). He has been involved in several collaborative research projects (co-) funded by the European Union. His work analyses the transformations of law in the field of Access to Justice with a special focus on the fields of Private International Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), EU regulations and the application of economic principles into the field of law. His research combines approaches from legal theory, empirical legal studies, and science and technology studies. He earned a Ph.D. in law (Doctor Europaeus, 2016) from VUB and Naples' University Federico II with a thesis on Dispute Resolution and New IT Realities.
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