Prof. Dr. Alain Francois
Alain practises in corporate law, business law and public economic law. He has extensive experience in advising and structuring public legal entities and supervising projects of public-private cooperation (PPS), as well as in advising on and conducting litigation in corporations. Together with his team, Alain has given legal shaped from architecture to implementation, including that of the Belgian kilometre charge for heavy trucks. As expert in EETS within the KASEA consortium, he also acts as advisor to the Dutch government (RDW and IenW) in the files Vrachtwagenheffing and Tijdelijke Tolheffing there. His pioneering work in PPSs has given rise to a flourishing PPS practice within Eubelius.
Since 2007, Alain has also been legal counsel to the Flemish transport company De Lijn, including for its projects on alternative financing. He was also ultimately responsible for the legal work in the context of the latest restructuring of the National Company of Belgian Railways (SNCB). He has been a partner at Eubelius since 1 July 2000 and a member of the Brussels Bar since 1994. Alain graduated in law from the Free University of Brussels in 1989 and obtained a Master of Laws degree from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) in 1991. In 1994, he completed his special licence in company law at the Catholic University of Brussels.
Alain is a professor at the Law Faculty of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel where he is holder of the courses in Company Law (1st Master) and Notarial Company Law (manama Notarial). As a specialist in company law, he is a member of the editorial board of, among others, the Rechtskundig Weekblad, the Tijdschrift voor Rechtspersoon en Vennootschap - Revue Pratique des Sociétés (formerly Revue Pratique des Sociétés), and the Notarial and Fiscal Monthly, author of a monograph (dissertation publication) and co-editor of several books. He is also a founding member and director of the Belgian Centre for Company Law.
Alain also very regularly publishes scientific contributions in company law and is a frequent speaker. He is fluent in Dutch, English and French.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels