Mauro Gisgand
Mauro obtained his law degree in July 2018 at the University of Brussels (VUB; summa cum laude), after which he became a member of the Brussels Bar. Since 2020 he is also active as a scientific researcher at the VUB, where he focusses on various areas of digitization.
He has previously published on the applicability and enforceability of online general terms and conditions, and on the digitization of company law in all its facets (both on European and on Belgian level).
He regularly participates in lectures on the digitization of company law, including as a guest lecturer in the course “Notarieel Vennootschapsrecht”.
In addition to his interest in digitization, he has also developed special expertise with regard to electronic tolling in Europe (including EETS).
Pleinlaan 2C
1050 Brussels