Dr. Paola Giacalone
Paola is a PhD researcher at the PREC department and a member to the DIKE research group. As part of her research, she is mainly focused on evaluating the use and efficacy of private international law, as well as online (alternative) dispute resolution models to promote access to justice. She has been involved in several ongoing EU projects including EFFORTS (Towards more EFfective enFORcemenT of claimS in civil and commercial matters within the EU EFFORTS) and SCAN II (Small Claims Analysis Net II).
Paola post graduated at the school of Legal Profession at the University Guglielmo Marconi (Rome) (2015) and LL.B from Naples University of FedericoII (2013). Her LL.B dissertation concentrated on the system of European sources of civil procedural law.
Paola is also a legal practitioner as a member of the Italian Bar.
Her main research interests are Private International Law, Online Dispute Resolution, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Comparative civil procedure law.
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