Anne-Sophie Vandenbosch
Anne-Sophie Vandenbosch obtained her Master of Laws in Law (major in Civil and Procedural Law) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 2013 with greatest distinction. In the same year, she started her two-year legal internship as a judicial officer. She currently combines this job with an appointment as 80% mandate assistant at the department of Private and Economic Law (PREC), Private Law Division of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. In this capacity, she teaches seminars in the courses Historical Introduction to Private Law (1st Bachelor Law), Private International Law (1st Master Law) and Partition of Estate (2nd Master Law). As part of the latter course, she teaches students, along with her colleagues Prof. dr. Elisabeth Alofs and Prof. Pieter-Jan De Decker, to solve cases of liquidation and distribution of assets after divorce, using the Excelmethod. This Excel method is a scientifically based method in which the assets of the spouses are liquidated and distributed on the basis of the applicable legal rules with the help of algorithms, which facilitate the calculations and make the Excelscheme extremely user-friendly and easily adaptable. Together with Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Alofs, she also regularly gives workshops for notaries, notarial staff members and lawyers regarding the division of estate after divorce by use of the Excelmethod.
Anne-Sophie Vandenbosch is preparing a doctoral dissertation on "The legal position of creditors in the context of the inheritance" under the promotorship of Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Alofs. Her research interests are in family (property) law, inheritance law and debt recovery/enforcement law.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels